
Bangalore SEO Agency: Inbounderz - Expert SEO Services for Growth

Let Your Brand Last A Lifetime!

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process which bring your company/business website onto the top ranking in SERP (Search Engine Result Page) using different expertise in organic traffic.

The Stages of successful SEO

Developing Site
Audit Report leads to
Developing Better
Strategy leads to
Implementing Strategy
leads to
Optimizing for Better
results leads to
Increase Rankings in
SERP leads to
More Organic
Traffic leads to
More Calls/Form
Submissions leads to
Increased sales
leads to

SEO Services Includes

Technical SEO

  • Responsiveness & optimization
  • Website Speed optimization
  • UI/UX optimization
  • Architecture optimization
  • Crawling
  • SSL
  • Breadcrumbs
  • URL Structure optimization
  • Schema (Structure data) Mark-up
  • Enabling AMP
  • Robots.Txt File optimization
  • Canonical (preventing Duplication)

On Page SEO

  • Meta Tags Analysis & optimization
  • Keywords Analysis & optimization
  • Content Analysis & optimization
  • URL Structure Analysis & optimization
  • Setup & Organize Google Search Console
  • Setup Google Analytics
  • Implement Google Tag Manager
  • Internal Linking
  • XML sitemaps
  • Fixing Broken links
  • Broken links redirect

Off-Page (Link Building)

  • Link Report
  • Increase Link Quality
  • Local Listings
  • Web 2.0 Blogging
  • Local Directories
  • Guest Blogging
  • Q&A Marketing
  • Infographics
  • Blog Commenting
  • Document Sharing

Competitors Analysis

  • Stats Comparison & optimization
  • SEO Comparison
  • Link Building Comparison

The Stages of successful SEO